Source code for

import npyscreen

[docs]class HelpForm(npyscreen.ActionFormWithMenus): """ Help form for the Vent CLI """
[docs] @staticmethod def switch(page): def popup(page): info_str = "" if page == 'Menu': info_str = """ Menu interactions are simple! Here is a quick guide to get you familiar. Navigation of a page: Up, Down, Left, Right, or TAB. Note that SHIFT+TAB can be used to reverse cycle! Editing a page: Simply navigating to an editable field and typing should be enough to edit most pages. ENTER can you be used to select or deselect options, or to open drop down menus. CTRL+T: Will toggle between two pages. CTRL+Q: Will take you back to main. Or from main, will exit the application. CTRL+X: Can be used to open up menus on certain pages. """ elif page == 'Plugins': info_str = """ Plugins are user created software hosted on GitHub that Vent can install and run. Plugins are developed following a hybrid of requirements specified both by Docker and Vent. Vent uses Docker to run all plugins so all plugins should be designed to run as a system of containers. Knowledge of linking docker containers may be necessary for more complex tasks that require creating multiple containers for your plugin. For Help on building Plugins, check out the Working with Plugins section in our Help Menu.""" elif page == 'Tools': info_str = """ Tools are the individual building blocks of a Plugin. Each tool should follow S.R.P, and over the entirety of the Plugin should be able accomplish any task desired! For Help on building Tools, check out the Working with Plugins section in our Help Menu.""" elif page == 'Filetypes': info_str = """ The filetypes Vent can support are entirely based on the installed Plugins. Each plugin is ultimately responsible for doing some form of processing.""" elif page == 'Core': info_str = """ Core Tools are tools that Vent comes with out of the box. """ elif page == 'Status': info_str = """ You'll notice Vent offers several status types amongst tools/plugins. Built means that each tool has a Docker image successfully built based off the provided specs for that tool/plugin. Enabled/Disabled correspond to user defined settings to enable or disable a tool or set of tools (plugin). Installed means simply that the plugin has been cloned from GitHub and installed to the Vent filesystem. No Docker image has been created yet. Running means that a Docker container has successfully been created from the corresponding Docker image for a specific tool in a Plugin.""" elif page == 'Plugin Adding': info_str = """ To add a plugin that you've created, simply open up the Menu from the main page using ^X. After, press "p" to open up the Plugin menu and then "a" to drop down into our Plugin installation screen. To add a Plugin, we require a valid GitHub repository. If your repository is private, you will need to enter a username and password. Once you have finished that, select OK. If we are successfully able to connect, you should see your repositories branches listed in our Plugin options menu. From here, press TAB to cycle between the options, and ENTER to select different branches to install and build from. You can even choose a specific commit if you like! Once you've selected those tools and selected OK, Vent will notify you about all tools it has detected. For more information about how Vent detects tools, see our "Building a Plugin" section. You may select or deselect the tools you wish to install as part of your Plugin. When you are done, select OK. If everything works you should get a successful Add. Select OK, to be returned to the main screen!""" elif page == 'Plugin Building': # !! TODO info_str = """Stay tuned!""" npyscreen.notify_confirm(info_str, title='About Vent ' + page, wide=True) popup(page)
[docs] def create(self): """ Override method for creating FormBaseNew form """ self.add_handlers({"^T": self.change_forms, "^Q": self.exit}) self.addfield = self.add(npyscreen.TitleFixedText, name="Vent", labelColor='DEFAULT', editable=False) self.multifield1 = self.add(npyscreen.MultiLineEdit, editable=False, value=""" About Vent Vent is a library that includes a CLI designed to serve as a general platform for analyzing network traffic. Built with some basic functionality, Vent serves as a user-friendly platform to build custom plugins on to perform user-defined processing on incoming network data. Vent supports any filetype, but only processes ones based on the types of plugins installed for that instance of Vent. Simply create your plugins, point vent to them & install them, and drop a file in vent to begin processing! For a detailed explanation of Vent Concepts, check out the General section in our Help Menu. Topics include: Vent Plugins, Tools, Filetypes, Core, and Statuses! Use ^X to access the menu and ESC to close it. Select CANCEL or ^Q to return to the Main Menu. Select OK or ^T to return to your previous menu. PRO TIP: You can use TAB to cycle through options. """) self.m2 = self.add_menu(name="Vent Basics", shortcut='b') self.m2.addItem(text="Menu Interactions", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Menu'], shortcut='m') self.m2.addItem(text="Plugins", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Plugins'], shortcut='p') self.m2.addItem(text="Tools", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Tools'], shortcut='t') self.m2.addItem(text="Filetypes", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Filetypes'], shortcut='f') self.m2.addItem(text="Core", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Core'], shortcut='c') self.m2.addItem(text="Statuses", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Status'], shortcut='s') self.m3 = self.add_menu(name="Working with Plugins", shortcut='p') self.m3.addItem(text="Adding a Plugin", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Plugin Adding'], shortcut='a') self.m3.addItem(text="Building a Plugin", onSelect=HelpForm.switch, arguments=['Plugin Building'], shortcut='b')
[docs] def exit(self, *args, **keywords): self.parentApp.switchForm('MAIN')
[docs] def on_cancel(self): self.exit()
[docs] def on_ok(self): self.change_forms()
[docs] def change_forms(self, *args, **keywords): """ Checks which form is currently displayed and toggles to the other one """ # Returns to previous Form in history if there is a previous Form try: self.parentApp.switchFormPrevious() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.parentApp.switchForm('MAIN')